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For Returning Members

Returning members should have received an emailed invoice to the primary account email address. You can also select the product here to pay your family membership dues. Please note that dues must be paid or post-marked by December 31st so as to be charged an additional $200 late fee. Checks may be mailed to the Kenilworth Club P.O. Box.

Family Membership


Annual payment is due November 1 and is late after December 31. There is a $200.00 late fee charged if no payment is received by December 31 of this year.

Family Membership

$700   Sign in to purchase

Family Membership Installment


Installment payments include a $30.00 deferral fee. The first installment payment is due no later than December 31 of this year. The second installment payment of $365 shall be received no later than January 31. A $200.00 late fee will be charged on each installment payment that is received after the respective late dates.

Family Membership Installment Plan (6 payments of $133) - Pay half now and the other half by January 31.

$133   Sign in to purchase

For New Members

Entry into the Kenilworth Club, Inc. MUST meet the approval of the Membership Committee. You will need to obtain the name and contact information for referrals from two current members in good standing with the club in order to complete your application. If you are new to the Baton Rouge area and do not know anyone, you may request two letters of recommendation from any individual (other than family members) with whom you have been personally associated with for at least five (5) years. Once the administrator receives the application and referrals she will then forward it to the Membership Committee for approval. Once a decision has been made, she will contact you to complete the process of your membership. Stock must be purchased and it is valued at $600. Kenilworth Club operates under a waiting list for membership, but we welcome your application and will add you to the list!

Application Fee


Price: $50.00

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Kenilworth Club, Inc: 7533 Blendon Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70808  |  Mailing Address: PO Box 84610, Baton Rouge, LA  70884

HOA/Swim & Tennis Club Software by PoolDues v9.0